Practical, automated & effective disinfection
Lindo’s Australian-designed and manufactured germicidal UV-C and bluelight technology is on the leading edge of disinfection. Our zero-failure rate products are built to neutralise up to 99.9% of all bacteria and viruses to mitigate their spread and reduce the harm they cause.

Core defence capabilities
- Lindo Air: Air treatment and disinfection (HVAC, air conditioning and fresh air)
- Lindo Chamber: Patient stretcher and defence equipment disinfection chambers
- Aircraft, vessel and vehicle disinfection systems
- Deployable healthcare and facility disinfection systems
- CBRN systems

Competitive discriminators
Our germicidal lighting technologies keep defence personnel healthy, and make bases safer by creating a healthier environment.
Germicidal lighting disinfection causes a reduction in the cross contamination of viruses and bacteria and:
- Reduces the instance of sick building syndrome (SBS)
- Improves air quality and safety of air supplies and water supplies
- Reduces volatile-organic compounds in indoor air
Lindo’s germicidal lighting is manufactured locally by an Australian company, providing a sovereign disinfection solution and eliminating chemical disinfection procurement costs. The health benefits of germicidal lighting also provide considerable benefits to personnel:
- Increased wellbeing
- Improved productivity
- Reduced absenteeism
The healthier, safer environment created by germicidal disinfection helps personnel to perform at their best and feel more alert.

UVGI, used after standard cleaning, ensures that your space is not only free of viruses and bacteria, but toxic chemicals used in other sanitation methods.